Ask an IT Recruiter: “How Do I Find IT Jobs Near Me?”
“How Do I Find IT Jobs Near Me?” As the U.S. begins to re-open post-pandemic, many companies are making plans for employees to return to the office or work a hybrid schedule. The good news is that although the process has changed, the technology sector is hiring...
How to Handle Salary Expectations Questions in a Job Interview
“What are your salary expectations?” When pursuing a new IT position, you’re likely to hear this question at some time in the job search process. IT recruiters usually like to place the salary expectation conversation at the very beginning of the process, while some...
How Does a Hiring Manager Decide Which Candidate to Hire?
Personality, technical proficiency, education, and cultural fit are just a few of the traits hiring managers consider when deciding which job candidate to hire. During an interview, job candidates are also measured on their accomplishments and potential value to the...
Should I Use an IT Recruiter in My Job Search?
If you’re looking to find a new job in IT, be prepared. Right now, the industry is highly competitive, and many people report having a tough time getting interviews or offers. The good news is there are now more jobs available than before the pandemic—you just need to...